Northstar Continuing Education

Classes on your time, at your convenience, when you want to study! 

Additional Courses

Best Practices In Writing Instruction | How Children Succeed | Evaluating Learning Disabilities Using RTI | Best Practices In Writing Instruction | How Children Succeed | Evaluating Learning Disabilities Using RTI | Co-Teaching for Successful Inclusion | Teaching the Core Standards | School Success for ADHD & LD Students | Asperger's Syndrome Foundations for Intervention | Using Augmentative/ Alternative Communication to Build Academic Skills | Best Practices in English Language Learning Instruction |  | Boys and Girls Learn Differently: Gender and Learning Styles in the Classroom | Bullying Prevention | Comprehension Going Forward: Best Practices in Reading Comprehension Instruction | Different Speeds and Different Needs: How to Teach Sports to Every Kid | Fostering the Resiliency and Mental Health of Children and Adolescents | Growing Up With Autism | Early Intervention for Reading Difficulties | Meeting the Academic and Linguistic Needs of Students in Poverty | The Mind, Brain, and Education | Number Sense and Number Nonsense: Understanding the Challenges of Learning Math | Safe School Ambassadors: Harnessing Student Power to Stop Bullying and Violence | Teaching Children with Challenging Behavior | Teaching Social Skills to Students with Autism | Teaching Students How to Think Critically: Improving Executive Functioning and Comprehension Skills in the Classroom | Using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to Enrich the Social Lives of Persons with Autism. |  


CEUs 1.5, 3.0 or 4.5



All of our continuing education and professional development classes can be completed on your time, at your convenience, whenever you want to study!




Contact us at

Phone: 763-219-8483



Fostering the Resiliency and Mental Health of Children and Adolescents


In 1.5, 3.0 or 4.5 continuing education units


Course Description:

Participants will learn how to recognize students at risk for mood disorders, anxiety disorders, oppositional defiant and conduct disorders, and how to help students experiencing physical and sexual abuse, neglect, bullying and suicidal thoughts. Teachers and counselors will be taught the skills needed to provide appropriate referrals to mental health professionals and how to help these children succeed in the classroom. Educators will learn the signs and symptoms of suicide and substance abuse, counseling strategies, life skills training exercises, and social skills training. Participants will learn how to teach students to resist peer pressure, manage their anger, handle stress, learn organizational and direct thinking skills to prevent academic failure and teach self advocacy skills to help their students lead healthy, happy lives.  


Goals and Objectives:


As a result of participation in this course, students should:


1. Learn how to support and create effective interventions in the classroom for students with:

 Bullying Behavior and School Violence

 Childhood Sexual Behavior Disorder

 Child Abuse and Neglect

 Self-Injury and Suicide

 Mood Disorders


2. Learn how to build resiliency in at-risk students by teaching specific emotional and social skills needed to achieve positive mental health.


3. Implement specific skills to prevent the following:

 Alcohol and Drug Abuse

 Unintended Pregnancy and High- Risk      

 Sexual Activity

 Suicide and Self-Injury

 Delinquency and Bullying Behavior

 Underachievement and Dropping Out of School

 Victimization and Abuse


4. Learn how the educator can play a role in referring, identifying and linking staff and parents to mental health resources.



The required reading is found in the text listed below:

Thompson, R.A. (2006). Nurturing Future Generations: Promoting Resilience in Children and Adolescents Through Social, Emotional and Cognitive Skills. (2nd. ed.).New York: Routledge.