Co-Teaching for Successful Inclusion
In 1.5, 3.0 or 4.5 continuing education units
Course Description:
All students need to have access to the general education curriculum and to be taught in the least restrictive environment with their peers. Co-Teaching blends the best teaching techniques of general and special education teachers into a unique learning experience that benefits every student in the classroom. Many school districts across the country are turning away from the standard pull-out model of special education services and are providing the services students need in the classroom with their peers. Many general education teachers are at a loss to help their struggling students that didn't quite meet the criteria for special education services. Co-Teaching is the solution! Students in your classroom will learn according to their unique learning styles and will have more opportunities to learn and practice skills, have more teacher contact time, become responsible and organized learners, increase their self-esteem and opportunities for success and benefit from the latest teaching techniques in the least restrictive environment. As a result, educators will see the academic gap between regular and special education students decrease and an increase in student responsibility and leadership in managing materials and taking ownership of their learning. Grades for all students will increase and the negative behaviors that result from academic struggles and lack of a personal relationship with teachers will decrease.
Goals and Objectives
As a result of this participation in this course, students should:
1. Learn how to co-teach with general and
special educators, understanding the
strengths that each professional brings to
the classroom and how to apply teaching
strategies to meet national, state and
Individualized Education Plan goals and
standards. Teachers will observe successful
co-teaching techniques in the DVD provided
with the textbook.
2. Identify and solve concerns that general
educators may have concerning special
education students in their class (and vice
versa), and how to share responsibility for
student achievement. 3. Understand and
apply formative and summative assessments
and identify non-traditional ways in which to
assess student learning in general and
modified curricula.
4. Understand the differences between
classroom accommodations and
modifications, and how to best use them in
the classroom to reach each student's
academic potential.
5. Create co-teaching lesson plans that
incorporate instructional strategies
appropriate for students from Kindergarten
through High School.
6. Learn specific techniques such as cooperative
and peer assisted learning communities,
graphic organizers, study and test taking
skills, self-advocacy and goal setting to
improve student outcomes.
The required reading is found in the text listed below:
Potts, E. & Howard, L. (2011). How to Co-Teach: A Guide for General Special Educators. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.